Japan the No.1 destination for Australian travellers in 2014, based on Lonely Planet guidebook sales

Know someone going to Japan in 2014? We thought so. Source: ThinkStock
AUSTRALIA, we know where you're going in 2014.
Japan has shot to the top of list of hot destinations for Aussie travellers.
The sales of guidebooks in the lead-up to Christmas are an early indicator of the most popular destinations for the coming year - and this year Lonely Planet's guide to Japan is the top of the charts.
Japan bumped Vietnam from the No.1 guidebook spot, while Lonely Planet's Tokyo city guide and the short trip guide were both at the top of their respective categories.
Where are you travelling this summer? Take our great Aussie holiday survey
Despite the growth in travel advice websites and apps, guidebooks are still popular Christmas presents, with Lonely Planet's sales hitting a new high.
The company's Asia Pacific sales and marketing director Chris Zeiher said sales were up 7 per cent on last year.
"More people are buying guidebooks than ever before," he said.
"There is a concern that people don't trust their digital devices, and they don't necessarily want to pull out their mobile phone or iPad while they're travelling, especially in developing countries.
"People tend to use guidebooks as a planning tool, but they are also buying complementary epubs and apps as well."
Where to next? Trends in Lonely Planet book sales

Australian travellers are making a beeline for Japan, thanks to cheap flights. Source: ThinkStock
Strong growth in sales in the lead-up to Christmas suggests a boom in Japan travel midyear, Mr Zeiher said, putting the increased interest in Japan down to the availability of more cheap, direct flights.

Vietnam was Lonely Planet’s No.1 guidebook sold at Christmas last year, and sales are still strong.Source: ThinkStock
Although it has lost its best-selling status to Japan, it's not that the previous No.1 selling guidebook destination has gone out of fashion. "We're still selling (the Vietnam guidebook) in the same kind of volumes," Mr Zeiher said.

European trips are still big on Aussies’ agenda, with visitors trying to cram in as many countries as possible. Source: ThinkStock
The traditional Aussie backpacker drawcard remains a guidebook favourite, with multi-country guides especially important for travellers who want to country-hop as much as they can. "Australia's love affair with Europe is absolutely not waning."

Visitors are flocking to Myanmar (Burma) as its tourism industry grows. Source: ThinkStock
Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Lanka
Guidebooks for these up-and-coming destinations recorded big jumps in sales in the pre-Christmas period, suggesting they're high on the travel agenda for 2014. Myanmar has hit the top 20 and Cambodia and Sri Lanka are among titles recording a high volume of sales.

A city trip to New York is on the cards for many Aussies making the most of the strong dollar. Source:ThinkStock
New York
Sales of city guides and pocket guides for the Big Apple are best sellers, with Mr Zeiher attributing the rise of US travel to the strong Australian dollar, and an increased interest in single-city trips as opposed to journeys across countries and continents. "People are spending more time in one city."

Australians are most likely to be found at home, dreaming about their next holiday. Source:ThinkStock

Lonely Planet’s Beautiful World. Source:Supplied
At home, dreaming about holidays
The most popular travel books across all categories are coffee table books. We love gazing wistfully at the world through the pages of picture books so much that technically, Australia's No.1 travel destination could be considered to be the armchairs in our own homes.
Overall, Lonely Planet's top three best-selling books were:
1. Lonely Planet's Beautiful World
2. Real Wonders of the World (children's book)
3. Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2014
See Lonely Planet's top picks for 2014: