


Bath homeless city tours: "A primer, with extra guts"

A new tour of Bath started last week, led by people who have been homeless. Sarah Baxter went along for an alternative perspective of the Georgian city.

"Sod the tour, this is an unofficial stop. I’d like to show you something.” Alex halted by Bath’s last chunk of medieval city wall; his dog, Harley, rested on my toes.
“Look up – can you see the relief?” He ignored the ancient rampart, gesturing to the pediment of the building opposite. “It’s the Good Samaritan. A guy helping a poor guy who’s been hard done by, regardless of faith, creed, colour. That sums up the spirit of being homeless. This story is right in the centre of Bath, but it’s up there – no one sees it.”
Until now. Secret City Tours is a new social enterprise aiming to reveal a different side to Bath. It was set up by Luke Tregidgo, of the University of Bath Enterprise Unit, who was inspired after experiencing Unseen London, a similar project in the capital. Secret City Tours, which hopes to provide meaningful employment for the homeless, offers strolls around Bath’s Georgian niceties – Assembly Rooms, Circus, Royal Crescent – with someone who’s lived on these very streets.
Alex Kirzsan was homeless in Bath for three years. He now lives in a hostel run by charity Julian House, and is Secret City Tours’ head guide. He has no guiding credentials (“though selling Big Issues helps my public speaking”) and is no historian. However, Alex is a natural performer. I joined what was only his second tour and, while a few facts may have been forgotten, it was delivered with brio.
“I’m not that bad am I?” he ad-libbed as a screeching child pierced his opening Abbey spiel. “No surprise: in 1793, where that kid is screaming, many were screaming. There was a banking crisis, not unlike today...” So began our two-hour loop – a fine Bath primer, with extra guts.
Aptly, the city’s class-divided nature was a recurring theme. From the fancy Abbey, we headed for the old artisan quarter of Walcot, once a rough neighbourhood outside the medieval walls. En route, Alex shepherded us across roads, mindful of his new responsibility – though, as we passed a parking meter, he instinctively checked the slot for change.
Via tales of Haile Selassie and Jane Austen’s parents, we arrived at Walcot’s Paragon, an elegant sweep of listed Georgian houses. As Alex explained that the area was once an open sewer, Harley demonstrated all too literally... Unfazed, Alex declared his tours interactive and scooped up his dog’s doings.
“Very well-off people used to live here,” he continued. “Now there are three hostels, and some social housing. Who knows how long that’ll last before the government moves them out, but hey, let’s not get political.”
Occasionally he couldn’t help it, though. There were asides on class and anti-social behaviour laws – mostly related to alcohol. Bath, he declared, has always been a boozy city. As we approached the Royal Crescent, Harley bounded ahead. “He knows the way,” Alex grinned, “I used to drink near here.”
Alex’s perspective is alternative. For him the Crescent is “Bath’s most boring place”; his own highlight is the ‘Great Grate’, a hot-air vent opposite the Theatre Royal. “In winter, when your fingers are like ice and it’s hard to busk, it’s beautiful.”

With Julian House predicting that the level of homelessness in Bath will rise 20 per cent in the next few years, the grate could get more crowded. Secret City Tours hopes to help; its aim is that, in six months, there will be daily tours and, ultimately, the homeless will run the whole enterprise.
Alex is certainly eager to see what opportunities might spring from this new career. But while he’s future-focused, some things never change: “When I look at a city, I still look with homeless eyes. You see things in a completely different way.”
More information
For more information and to book, go to secretcitytours.co.uk. Tours cost £7/5 adult/concession. Maximum tour size 15 people.





  • 2013年4月17日(水)


映像資料: 外国人バックパッカーが集まる街、東京・山谷






  • Yahoo!ブックマークに登録
松山・道後に4月7日、バックパッカー向け温泉旅館「どうごや」(松山市道後多幸町、TEL 089-934-0661)がオープンした。


 経営は道後舘などを運営する瀬戸内海汽船(広島市)。建物は昭和初期に建てられた木造建築物で、道後温泉の旅館の中では最も古い建物のうちの一つ。かつ ては高級割烹旅館として、その後道後舘別館の名で料亭として利用されてきた。同施設は夕食の提供は行わずサービスの簡素化を図り、バックパッカーやバイ カー・サイクラ―など長期滞在も可能な旅館に業態変更した。








Don't be afraid, Seoul's message to tourists

By Frances Cha, CNN
April 9, 2013 -- Updated 1302 GMT (2102 HKT)

Pyongyang to foreigners: Leave S. Korea

  • Seoul government seeks advice on promoting tourism
  • Despite rhetoric and threats, tourism up 11.9%
  • DMZ packed with domestic, Chinese tourists
Are you from South or North Korea? Send us your views on the crisis.
Seoul (CNN) -- "So, how can we promote Seoul as a safe destination in the foreign media in the midst of the current North Korea situation?"
That was the question posed by a Seoul government foreign public relations representative at a meeting on Monday, even as Pyongyang continued its militaristic rhetoric, announcing on the same day that North Korea is pulling workers out of a joint North-South industrial zone.
Fearing both short and long term drops in tourism, the Seoul government was seeking advice at a meeting it requested with North Korea expert Andrei Lankov, a professor at Seoul's Kookmin University.
"It's a very important question, but the problem is that the foreign media believes North Korea's threats when they should not," said Lankov, who has been studying North Korea for almost 30 years.

Public sentiment in North, South Korea

Life goes on as usual inside N. Korea

Bourdain: I'd love to go to North Korea
Throughout the meeting, which took place in Lankov's office, the professor ignored his mobile phone and office land line, even as both rang incessantly.
"Journalists," he said, shaking his head.
Lankov advised the Seoul government to bombard the media with images showing how the day to day lives of South Koreans have remained unaffected by North Korean threats, and how its residents remain unconcerned by the hostile rhetoric.
"Negative impact on South Korean tourism and the South Korean economy is exactly what North Korea wants," said Lankov, who is adamant in his belief that North Korea won't attack the South.
"[North Korean leader] Kim Jong Un is living a wonderful life that is better than any conglomerate owner's life in South Korea -- why would he want to cut that short?" said the North Korea expert.
"He is therefore the one person South Korea can truly depend on to not go to war," Lankov concluded.
Impact on South Korea tourism
It seems logical that tourism in Seoul, and all of South Korea, would suffer in the wake of the hostile rhetoric from the North Korean government. Seoul is located just 190 kilometers (118 miles) from Pyongyang, well within range of hundreds if not thousands of North Korean artillery and missile units.
However, no country has yet issued alerts or warnings concerning travel to South Korea.
"The Embassy has not changed its security posture and we have not recommended that U.S. citizens who reside in, or plan to visit, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) take special security precautions at this time," reads a statement posted on the U.S. Embassy in Seoul's website.
There's no denying, however, that some travelers are altering their plans.
"We had two colleagues in New York who decided to push back their business trip to Seoul because of the North Korea crisis," said Annie Kim, a Korean American risk manager at a multinational bank.
Kim, who arrived in Seoul two weeks ago on business, told CNN she doesn't believe the threats pose a danger.
Her colleagues, however, are getting more nervous about the situation with each news report.
"They say they will come only after it all blows over," she said.
Record month
Despite concerns, tourism numbers in South Korea are up. Way up.
Last week, the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) announced a record number of visitors for the month of March.
For the first time in history, inbound international tourists numbered more than a million -- an 11.9% increase compared with the same month last year. Numbers for April won't be available until May.
"We've had record numbers from every country except Japan and Germany," KTO's Kang Sun-duk told CNN.
According to Kang, tourist numbers are impacted by geopolitics, but not necessarily those involving North Korea.
"Many of the Chinese tourists who would have been visiting Japan are now coming to South Korea due to the island disputes between China and Japan," said Kang.
Approximately 12,000 visitors per day are currently entering South Korea on cruises from China, according to the KTO.
Business as usual at DMZ
South Korea's largest airline, Korean Air, and several major hotels in Seoul, tell CNN there has been no noticeable dip in bookings.
"We have not seen any impact from the news from North Korea thus far, but we'll have to see about any further impact," a Korean Air public relations representative told CNN.
This past weekend at Imjingak, an area within the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) popular with tourists, business appeared down only slightly.
Though parking lots were jammed with Chinese tour groups and Korean families on day trips, the DMZ appeared to have fewer Western visitors than usual.
"We've seen around a 20% decrease in business, but it's not too bad," said Kim Bong-nam, 57, who has been selling hot dogs at the DMZ for 30 years.
"There was a similar drop in visitors when the Yeonpyong Island shelling happened," he said, referring to the 2010 incident when two civilians and two South Korean marines died after a North Korean attack.
KTO's DMZ office said tours were operating normally. The KTO was unable to provide specific DMZ visitor data.
"We are not afraid at all!" said a member of a group of tourists from Hebei, China, when asked why they'd decided to visit the DMZ in the midst of current reports. "There will be only peace here."
According to Professor Lankov, there's a reason Chinese tourists are unruffled by the threats from North Korea.
According to the North Korea expert, Chinese media isn't reporting on the situation in dire tones. He said Chinese reporters haven't adopted the posture of their Western counterparts, "like CNN and BBC, as if war is going to break out."
"The Chinese government doesn't allow them to portray their fellow communist country in that light," said Lankov.

記事(北朝鮮情勢と韓国観光):中国 北朝鮮への観光旅行を中止


中国 北朝鮮への観光旅行を中止
4月10日 12時53分

中国 北朝鮮への観光旅行を中止




The tensions between North and South Korea are affecting much more than the political ambitions of both countries and their status within the international community. This is especially true for South Korea whose tourism industry is increasingly bearing the brunt of the standoff with the North.
South Korea is the 36th most visited country in the world. It actually had over 11 million foreign visitors in 2012. This makes it one of the most lucrative and successful tourism destinations in the world. A larger portion of its tourism industry is also made up of domestic tourism thanks to the country's extensive and well networked transport systems.
Unfortunately, spot checks in most of the popular tourist spots in South Korea reveal a gradual and steady decline in tourist numbers – both domestic and foreign. This decline is mostly felt in the northern parts of South Korea that are at close proximity to the border with North Korea.
A good example is Imjingak which is an important historical and cultural park in South Korea. The park commemorates the struggle in the hard fought Korean War and it is a testament to the enduring will of the Korean people. Tourism numbers have continually dropped in this part of South Korea. Shopkeepers are even complaining to the governor of the province that their businesses are being hit.
South Korean business owners at areas close to the northern border are aware of the grave military and diplomatic situation but they are reluctant to move to other safer areas in South Korea. Many of them believe that the differences between the two countries will be settled diplomatically while others are hopeful that the fear of open war would frighten both sides into a peace agreement. However, nothing is certain.
The only sure thing is that both sides of the divide are indeed feeling the after effects of the tensions that exist between them. In South Korea these effects are increasingly being felt in terms of lost tourism visits and the corresponding loss in revenues.

Read more at http://www.tourism-review.com/south-korean-tourism-industry-threatened-by-north-koreas-aggressive-military-stance-news3651#ICEGgkLqKYt150bM.99 




発表日:April 05 , 2013  | 企業名:株式会社BookLive 

「国内最大級約14万冊の電子書籍を取り扱う株式会社BookLive(本社:東京都台東区、代表取締役社長:淡野 正、以下:当社)は、総合電子書籍ストア「BookLive!」(http://booklive.jp/)にて、本日より、株式会社昭文社初の電子書籍 となる旅行ガイドブック『まっぷるマガジン』、『ことりっぷ』の配信を開始します。」



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記事:昭文社、「トラベルデイズ」から「ドイツ」「ウィーン プラハ・ブダペスト」を発売

昭文社、「トラベルデイズ」から「ドイツ」「ウィーン プラハ・ブダペスト」を発売

新たに「ドイツ」「ウィーン プラハ・ブダペスト」発売

 株式会社昭文社(本社:千代田区麹町、代表取締役社長 黒田 茂夫、東証コード:9475)は、2013年3月15日より、海外旅行ガイドブックシリーズ『TRAVEL DAYS(トラベルデイズ)』の新刊「ドイツ」「ウィーン プラハ・ブダペスト」を発売します。

 『TRAVEL DAYS(トラベルデイズ)』は、主に個人旅行を想定した本格派ガイドブックです。2012年7月に創刊以来、各都市・国別に14点を発行、海外を自由な旅行スタイルで楽しむ方に大変ご好評を頂いております。




  • 2013年3月26日(火)

